Lomnické sedlo is accessible for tourists only in summer, one can get from Skalnaté Pleso to Lomnické sedlo only together with a mountain guide along a tourist trail or by a chairlift. From Lomnické sedlo, a comfortable green-marked tourist trail runs to Mt Veľká Lomnická veža (2,215 m a.s.l.), a stunning outlook spot and the highest peak of Lomnický hrebeň (ridge), which can be visited also by families with children thanks to the comfortable chairlift. And once you are there, don’t forget to stop at the place where the mountain cottage of the main protagonists of the cult Slovak films – Copper Tower and Eagle Feather used to stand. If you are lucky, you might catch sight of marmots on the meadows because this is their home.  

If you look from Mt Veľká Lomnická veža to the east, you will see a smooth slope where the most attractive and steepest black piste in Slovakia is in winter. The view of Popradská kotlina (basin) is perfect from there and even the peaks of the Slovenské Rudohorie Mts. can be observed. Steep and rocky slopes in the west descend to Malá Studená dolina (valley), which is bounded by jagged Prostredný hrebeň (ridge) on the other side. Mt Slavkovský štít with the typical round summit silhouette shows all its beauty when looking from Lomnické sedlo. 



Navigácia do strediska Tatranská Lomnica

Dopravte sa pohodlne autom do strediska Tatranská Lomnica, odkiaľ vás vyvezie 4-miestna kabínková lanovka na medzistanicu štart a odtiaľ 15-miestna moderná gondola na Skalnaté pleso.