
Come to one of the lowest and easiest accessible peaks of the High Tatras. Mt.Predné Solisko, located on the southern edge of the mountain range at the altitude of 2,093 m, offers a beautiful view of the valleys Mlynická and Furkotská dolina. Take a 4-seater Solisko Express cable car from the lower station at Štrbské Pleso up to the altitude of 1,814 m. It takes only 7 minutes to surmount a vertical drop of 431 metres. From the upper cable car station, there are beautiful views of the valley, Mt. Kriváň, the romantic tarn of Štrbské pleso, or the hill Kráľová hoľa.


Navigácia do strediska Tatranská Lomnica

Dopravte sa pohodlne autom do strediska Tatranská Lomnica, odkiaľ vás vyvezie 4-miestna kabínková lanovka na medzistanicu štart a odtiaľ 15-miestna moderná gondola na Skalnaté pleso.