Make a trip to the second highest peak of the High Tatras - Lomnicky peak (Lomnický štít) with your family. Get above the clouds and enjoy unforgettable views of surrounding peaks of the smallest grand mountains in the world. Enter the kingdom of silence and relax in the stylish Dedo café. A 4-person cable car operates from the lower station in Tatranská Lomnica to mid-station Štart, from there a comfortable 15-person cable car continues to Skalnaté Pleso – its upper station, which is also the interchange station on the journey to Mt. Lomnický štít. From there you can take a unique red suspension cable car to Lomnicky peakwhich surmounts a vertical drop of 855 metres. The ride takes 8.5 minutes.

How to buy a ticket to Lomnicky Peak?


The funicular from Tatranská Lomnica to Lomnický štít was built at the instigation of the director of the State Spa Tatranská Lomnica, Juraj Orsagh, who pushed for its construction as early as 1936. The opening ceremony took place in 1941. The cableway route has two parts: from Tatranská Lomnica to Skalnate pleso with the Start intermediate station, which in the past served as a starting point for the toboggan and bobsled run to the Grandhotel Praha. Interestingly, the material for the construction of the cableway was brought to Skalnaté pleso by horses, to Lomnický štít by people who carried almost 300 tonnes of material to the top to a height of 2,634 m. The cableway was built by about 70 people from Lendak, Spišská Bela and Kežmarok. One assembly rope was carried in the hands of 36 porters to the peak. The cableway buildings were carved out of stone used from a nearby quarry. 

Nahliadnite do nástupnej stanice lanovky na Lomnický štít vďaka virtuálnej prehliadke

TIP: Spend a night at Lomnicky peak! Use a unique opportunity to spend a night at the highest located suite in Central Europe. Imagine sleeping at the altitude of 2,634 metres among peaks of the High Tatras, with a beautiful starry night over your head.

TIP: Spend a night at Lomnicky peak! Use a unique opportunity to spend a night at the highest located suite in Central Europe. Imagine sleeping at the altitude of 2,634 metres among peaks of the High Tatras, with a beautiful starry night over your head.

Navigácia do strediska Tatranská Lomnica

Dopravte sa pohodlne autom do strediska Tatranská Lomnica, odkiaľ vás vyvezie 4-miestna kabínková lanovka na medzistanicu štart a odtiaľ 15-miestna moderná gondola na Skalnaté pleso.